CWT Project Team Volunteers Needed


Channel Islands Neighborhood Council (CINC)
Clean Water Team Volunteer Orientation video
Produced and Directed by David Morris
Morris & Son Ent.

CINC Help Wanted!

 Our team needs help – if you can help in any of the ways below please contact us!

CWT Project Team

  • Technical Leader/ Tech Writer
  • Volunteer Trainer
  • Field Operators-Collect samples
  • QA/QC Officer
  • CWT Coordinator
  • Technical Experts
  • Computer Specialist
  • Database Management
  • Data Users
  • Attorney- Environmental
  • Civil Engineer
  • Marine Biologist
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Transportation to Lab/Boat
  • Fundraisers, Development Professionals
  • Media / Communications specialists


Can You Help?

Tell us your skills

10 + 7 =

Everyone can help!

Everyone can help keep our harbor clean by doing little things.
Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success! 

Everyone can help monitor

Take pictures and document what you observe.

Scoop up what you can

Use a rake or a net and clean up what you safely can reach!

Algea Clean Up DIY Team

Find out how neighbors are pitching in to scoop it out!

Water Board invites Public Comment: VCAILG (Farm Bureau) 12/23/20

The Channel Islands Neighborhood Council (CINC) Marine Advisory Committee (MAC) has been working hard for clean water in the harbor;

The City of Oxnard and HBCA have written letters of support – YOU CAN TOO!

Write to the email addresses below and let them know you support CINC and MAC in their request to protect Channel Islands Harbor!



You can make public comments until DEC 23, 2020

Email your letter TO:,

Include Oxnard City Council and Mayor: (select and copy paste to CC line),,,,,

Will C.I. Harbor no longer be a REC1 waterbody?

MAC speaks at June 11th, 2020 LA Water Board Hearing.
If left up to the City of Oxnard, the LA Water Board and the local farmers organization VCAILG*, our harbor could become polluted and unsafe—like McGrath Lake to our north. At issue—the ‘QAPP’ Quality Assurance Project Plan for water quality monitoring has been revised/downgraded for almost a year, by city staff according to the Water Board at a public meeting (6/11/20). CINC/MAC advocates for ongoing bacterial and nutrient testing by the City with volunteer labor provided by MAC and students from CSUCI. The financially responsible parties are both the City and the County. It is up to them to identify a solution, bringing our harbor back to the pristine condition it once was. When the power plant closed in 2018 it exposed the fact that for years, 2,400 acres of ag fields discharged unfiltered runoff into the Edison Canal. Both the City and the County’s scientist/consultants have stated their opinions about excess nutrients and pesticides found in farm field runoff. The County BOS has voted and approved $477,000 (2020) to trace bacteria that ends up on our harbor’s Kiddie & Hobie swimming beaches. VCAILG’s BMPs (best management practices) are not addressing the environmental issues of today, in our harbor…


For Immediate Release
February 14, 2020


There have been two recent stories (Ormond Beach Power Plant and Lake Erie in Ohio) in the Ventura Star that were related to the water quality issues in the Channel Island Harbor.

Since there are 19 more power plants like the Mandalay and Ormond Beach scheduled for closure in California, these recent articles raise the question if the federal, state, county and local agencies involved in such decisions have thoroughly planned for the effects of such plant closings. We are concerned because they did not study and plan well for the closing of the Mandalay Power Generating Station (MPGS) in Oxnard. The consequences of their lack of post-close analysis and planning for the Channel Island Harbor led to significant negative environmental damage to the Channel Island Harbor, marine life, and the harbor’s residents, businesses, and visitors.

Algae Cleanup

Share your tips and observations!

What started this page…

July 28, 2019

Dear Friends,

I am learning a lot first hand about the CI Harbor Water degradation from nitrates (fertilizers) and pesticides.  The attached photo from our docks and rip rap, taken today is not mud – it’s a stagnant water growing field of all sorts of algae as a direct result of the post NRG power plant era.  On one hand, the Clean Water Act and the related shut down of power plants up and down the Coast of California sought to save the marine life at the outflow to the sea.

Now the NRG plant’s mandated shut down has a direct impact on all marine and bird life that resides in and around our harbor. The lack of flushing of the sea water through the Edison Canal rolling through our harbor allows growth of things that are not good for the health of our harbor – namely algae.  The scientists tell us that the long summer days directly impact the growth rate of the algae and the dropping of oxygen levels in the harbor.  No oxygen – marine life dies.  We’re not the only harbors experiencing algal blooms, it’s global impacting both fresh and ocean water.

So here is what I am doing to clean up my little part of my dockside paradise and it only took me about 30 minutes today, a laundry basket with some extra holes drilled into the bottom by my terrific husband Werner and a small rake. (You Tube video is not required for this experiment.)  Put on a hat, sunscreen and some gloves.  Head out to your dock with a friend and rake out everything that looks like green algae floating material.  Today my “catch” is primarily sea lettuce which feels like waxed paper. It’s amazingly hearty and grows wide and deep.  Pull out everything you can (nothing with fins, feathers or flippers please) and dump it into the laundry basket with holes.  My first attempt at collection was with black trash bags, which broke through quickly.  My laundry basket filled to the top with sea lettuce weighs in at just under 28 pounds.  I’m going to leave it on my dock to drain for a few days.  Before hauling it off your dock to the trash, consider doing it on your trash day, because it really smells bad!     

Share your own dockside clean up pictures and You Tube videos with me, of your dockside algae clean ups.  Be safe and careful on the water!

PS:  Hope to see you this Thursday, August 1st at our Channel Islands Neighborhood Council meeting.  CINC’s Marine Advisory Comittee will give you a full report on everything else we’ve been learning about C.I. Harbor Water Quality.

Make it a great day on our harbor,

Audrey Keller

Chair, Channel Islands Neighborhood Council

(818) 292-0447

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