located The Quarterly Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Public Meeting was held on July 25, 2024 at PCYC.
Approximately 75 residents were in attendance along with additional 20 Zoom attendees. Dave Copper opened the meeting with the Flag Salute
Reuven Banks, Lead Interpretive Ranger for the Channel Islands National Park Service
provided an enlightening and educational presentation of our local National Park.
The Park, including 5 of the 8 local offshore islands encompassing Anacapa, Santa
Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel and Santa Barbara Islands as well as rich underwater
areas was established in 1980.
The park covers 175 miles of untouched coastline including one mile of underwater
marine sanctuary around each island teaming with a diverse marine ecosystem.
An Iconic lighthouse, over 150 endemic plant species, over 60 animal and bird species
unique to the Channel Islands, one of the worlds largest seal and sea lion rookeries,
giant kelp forests, unique cave systems, one of the most unique marine environments on
earth, an archeological treasure with human occupancy dating over 13,000 years and
the rich heritage of the Chumash people are there to explore, just a few miles off our
- More information can be found at the Channel Islands National Park Visitor
Center at 1901 Spinnaker Drive in the Ventura Marina or their website
- Volunteer opportunities can be found at https://channelislands.noaa.gov/
- Camping reservations and day use permits can be made at
- Transportation and tours of the islands can be made through Island Packers at
https://islandpackers.com/ located in both the Channel Islands Harbor and the
Ventura Marina
Alex Nguyen, City of Oxnard City Manager, provided information on the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act
Although the California State Supreme Court struck down the qualification for the
November ballot, the City Manager expressed the importance of a number of drafted
items and encouraged voters to read the text in its entirety
The initiative stated that all taxes must be approved by voters, however it did not
mention fees. He elaborated on the significant impact the loss of fees like Development
Impact Fees and Franchise Fees would have on municipalities and the consequences
which would burden cities. He asked that voters be vigilant as like initiatives are sure to
CINC Water Quality Video
A video was presented to provide residents with an understanding of the water quality
issue and stakeholders. The video demonstrated a map depicting the sources of much
of the water quality issues to better visualize and understand the impact of the Power
Plant closing, the effects from the Edison Canal and the various areas such as the Doris
Drain, the Wooley Drain, the Hemlock Drain, the 5 th Street Drain and the results of urban
and agricultural runoff. The video provided graphs for a better understanding of contaminant levels and the detrimental effects on sea life and safe water activities in the
A copy of the video will be available for viewing on the CINC website at
A plea was made to attendees and residents for aid by donating funds needed for
various activities such as website maintenance, cost of venues for public meetings,
applications, and other activities to protect our neighborhood and keep residents
Generous residents donated $540.00
Chuck Carter of the Marine Advisory Committee provided a water quality update
The MAC team has been collecting water samples for 5 years and has been responsible
for the receipt of $3.1 million in funding from the City, County and State
An updated ABC contract for additional testing and monitoring was presented to the City.
However, the MAC team recommended the contract not be implemented and requested
that funds should be utilized for mitigation in lieu of additional testing
A feasibility study is currently being conducted by Craftwater Engineering. The results of
the study should provide recommendations for solutions as well as costs and benefits
Dave Colker CINC Technology Team Website Manager
The website manager demonstrated a tour of the CINC website including educational
information, local resources, meetings and archived information, water quality updates,
Harbor updates and events, City Council and County Supervisor agendas and meetings,
boating weather and a number of other sources of interest.
The website can be found at https://www.cineighbors.com/
The website manager can be reached at chairperson@cineighbors.com
more information located below, including slide presentations and videos
The next Public Meeting will be held at PCYC on October 24, 2024