Thursday July25, 2024 CINC Neighborhood meeting

 located The Quarterly Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Public Meeting was held on July 25, 2024 at PCYC.

Approximately 75 residents were in attendance along with additional 20 Zoom attendees.  Dave Copper opened the meeting with the Flag Salute

Reuven Banks, Lead Interpretive Ranger for the Channel Islands National Park Service

provided an enlightening and educational presentation of our local National Park.
The Park, including 5 of the 8 local offshore islands encompassing Anacapa, Santa
Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel and Santa Barbara Islands as well as rich underwater
areas was established in 1980.
The park covers 175 miles of untouched coastline including one mile of underwater
marine sanctuary around each island teaming with a diverse marine ecosystem.
An Iconic lighthouse, over 150 endemic plant species, over 60 animal and bird species
unique to the Channel Islands, one of the worlds largest seal and sea lion rookeries,
giant kelp forests, unique cave systems, one of the most unique marine environments on
earth, an archeological treasure with human occupancy dating over 13,000 years and
the rich heritage of the Chumash people are there to explore, just a few miles off our

    • More information can be found at the Channel Islands National Park Visitor
      Center at 1901 Spinnaker Drive in the Ventura Marina or their website
    • Volunteer opportunities can be found at
    • Camping reservations and day use permits can be made at
    • Transportation and tours of the islands can be made through Island Packers at located in both the Channel Islands Harbor and the
      Ventura Marina

Alex Nguyen, City of Oxnard City Manager, provided information on the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act

Although the California State Supreme Court struck down the qualification for the
November ballot, the City Manager expressed the importance of a number of drafted
items and encouraged voters to read the text in its entirety
The initiative stated that all taxes must be approved by voters, however it did not
mention fees. He elaborated on the significant impact the loss of fees like Development
Impact Fees and Franchise Fees would have on municipalities and the consequences
which would burden cities. He asked that voters be vigilant as like initiatives are sure to

CINC Water Quality Video

A video was presented to provide residents with an understanding of the water quality
issue and stakeholders. The video demonstrated a map depicting the sources of much
of the water quality issues to better visualize and understand the impact of the Power
Plant closing, the effects from the Edison Canal and the various areas such as the Doris
Drain, the Wooley Drain, the Hemlock Drain, the 5 th Street Drain and the results of urban
and agricultural runoff. The video provided graphs for a better understanding of contaminant levels and the detrimental effects on sea life and safe water activities in the
A copy of the video will be available for viewing on the CINC website at


A plea was made to attendees and residents for aid by donating funds needed for
various activities such as website maintenance, cost of venues for public meetings,
applications, and other activities to protect our neighborhood and keep residents
Generous residents donated $540.00
Chuck Carter of the Marine Advisory Committee provided a water quality update
The MAC team has been collecting water samples for 5 years and has been responsible
for the receipt of $3.1 million in funding from the City, County and State
An updated ABC contract for additional testing and monitoring was presented to the City.
However, the MAC team recommended the contract not be implemented and requested
that funds should be utilized for mitigation in lieu of additional testing
A feasibility study is currently being conducted by Craftwater Engineering. The results of
the study should provide recommendations for solutions as well as costs and benefits

Dave Colker CINC Technology Team Website Manager

The website manager demonstrated a tour of the CINC website including educational
information, local resources, meetings and archived information, water quality updates,
Harbor updates and events, City Council and County Supervisor agendas and meetings,
boating weather and a number of other sources of interest.
The website can be found at
The website manager can be reached at

more information located below, including slide presentations and videos

The next Public Meeting will be held at PCYC on October 24, 2024







click here to view full slide presentation





click here to view full slide presentation



click here to view full slide presentation

CINC General Meeting


Thank you for supporting CI Neighbors

Thanks to all the awesome presenters this evening

Thank you to the volunteers that make all our efforts possible

Please Save the date for the next Public CI Neighborhood Meeting October 24, 2024

Thursday April 25, 2024 CINC Neighborhood meeting


On April 25, 2024 a Community Neighborhood Council Meeting was held at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht

Club. There were 60+ people in attendance, either in person or via Zoom.

 Join us in the next Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Meeting on Thursday July 25, 2024.  >click here< to Join the mailing list for updates.

Join us in the next Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Meeting on

Thursday July 25, 2024. 

>click here< to Join the mailing list for updates.

Thursday January 25, 2024


On January 25, 2024 a Community Neighborhood Council Meeting was held at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht

Club. There were 100+ people plus the Board in attendance, either in person or via Zoom.

 Join us in the next Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Meeting on Thursday April 25, 2024.  >click here< to Join the mailing list for updates.










Join us in the next Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Meeting on Thursday April 25, 2024. 

>click here< to Join the mailing list for updates.


Comments are due by 5 pm Friday August 18, 2023

Hello concerned neighbor,

  The L.A. Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) is accepting public comment in regard to Waste Discharge Requirements for discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands.  They are accepting comments from the public.  Your support is necessary to show the public interest to move toward creating and maintaining a clean water environment in our backyard(s), including the water quality of The Channel Islands Harbor, The Edison Canal, and the Landside drainage that flows 4 1/2 miles from the agricultural areas to the ocean.

Please take a moment to:


1.  Copy and Paste the following template, include your own comments as well.

2.  Include your own name, neighborhood, address (optional), and City (i.e. Oxnard, CA 93035)

3.  Send to               by 5 pm on Friday, August 18, 2023

LA Regional Water Quality Control Board Public Comment due by 5:00 pm on August 18. 2023

August 15, 2023



Subject: Public Comment for Waste Discharge Requirement R4-2023-xxxx for discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands

Thank you for this opportunity to provide Public Comments on the proposed WDR for Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Agricultural Lands.  We agree with the requirements of the Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MRP) to:

  • assess the impacts of waste discharges from irrigated agricultural lands on waters of the state,
  • evaluate the effectiveness of management practices to control waste discharges,
  • track progress in reducing the amount of waste discharged to waters of the state to improve water quality and protect beneficial uses, and
  • assess compliance with water quality limitations, where applicable.


Farmers and ranchers that pollute must be accountable for verifying that they are achieving water quality standards to protect the environment and public health.

This accountability is essential to incentivize growers to make the investments that are needed to implement effective BMPs (Best Management Practices) ensuring water quality targets are achieved.

Since NRG blocked the north end of Edison Canal in 2018 contaminants must travel 4.5 miles by thousands of homes to the ocean at the harbor entrance.  Harbor water quality has been degraded.

Farmers and ranchers must be contributors to the remediation solutions for Oxnard Coastal and Channel Islands Harbor Subwatershed Responsibility Areas.

The WDR needs to provide compelling incentives or consequences for achieving compliance with water quality limitations, where applicable.

We look forward to collaborating with the Regional Board and VCAILG as this WDR process moves forward.  These elements are essential to protect the Region’s valuable water resources.

Thank you for your consideration.

Your name


Address (optional)

Oxnard ,CA 93035



For Questions or comments please email


The following was published August 2023 and is designed to be a resource to assist in the preparedness of our community in the event of a tsunami

Thursday July 27, 2023 @ PCYC and Zoom

> at 6pm from 

On July 27, 2023 a Community Neighborhood Council Meeting was held at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht

Club. There were 60 to 80 people plus the Board in attendance, either in person or via Zoom.

Slide Presentations from the Speakers can be seen below these notes

 Dave Copper opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Michael Tripp, C.I. Harbor Director

  • Update on the condition of the harbor, including the completed 2022-2023 Dredging Project. (March 2023)
  • Peninsula Revetment completed, (June 2023)
  • Casa Sirena Hotel Replacement on schedule, and construction of the Hyatt House Hotel is expected to begin (August 2023)
  • Kiddie Beach Parking Lot and bathroom are being repaired. The Surge Wall  (see below) is being looked at for repairs.  The Surge wall provides protection to the harbor from incoming swells.
  • Parking Lots on the West side of the Harbor (Harbor Blvd) are being repaired.
  • Peninsula Yacht Anchorage Project is underway, and docks are being repaired and replaced.
  • The harbor has entered into an Exclusive Right to Negotiate with Karls’ after a unanimous vote from the Ventura County Board of Supervisors (April 2023) for consideration of developing the 10 acre parcel of land known as Fisherman’s Village at Victoria Avenue and Channel Islands Blvd..
  • a New playground is being considered for the West Side of the harbor.  This concept includes a Pirate Boat and a giant octopus.

Dave Nafie, Deputy Director of Airports (Camarillo and Oxnard)

  • The airports are conducting studies on Airport noise by monitoring the sound levels at various locations near the arport (Oxnard)
  • Fielded questions and comments from the room.   Some members in the room commented that the airport noise has dramtically been reduced.
  • Flight patterns have been for the most part being obeyed by pilots.  (see below)  Air traffic for the Oxnard Airport has been shited to a flight pattern North of the airport.
  • Spoke about the airport construction progress, stating the taxiways are set to be improved.  The Connector Taxiways A, B, C, D, and E Reconstruction Project is ongoing with an anticipated completion date of August 9, 2023
  • Explained about the PFA’s (Polyfluoralkyl.[forever chemicals]) located on airport property, (North of Ventura Road).  A pile of soil with remnants of firefighting foam (containing low-level PFA chemicals) is being stored until further advisory and notice from the government (state) or appointed agencies.  The level of PFA’s are very low and contain very common chemicals.  Th ere should be no cause for concern.
  • Wings over Camarillo (Airshow) is August 19-20 2023.  Tickets can be purchased online

Cpl. Justin Songer, Oxnard Police Department

  • Cpl. Songer is responsible for the Oxnard Police Departments West District (District 2)
  • Cpl. Songer fielded comments and questions from the room.
  • Stated their will be an increase in weekend patrol in the Seabridge and surrounding area(s)through the end of the summer,
  • Requested the community continue to be diligent and report suspicious activity.
  • Oxnard Police Department non-emergency number is 805-385-7722

Chuck Carter, Marine Advisory Committee Chairperson

  • Water quality is being monitored and data is being collected by volunteers
  • There is an ongoing conversation about the possibility of turning on a (small) waterpump at the Edison canal to address the lack of water flow in the North end of the Harbor.

Rene Aui, behalf of The Reel Guppies 

  • Fundraiser for The Reel Guppies, a non-profit organization in the Channel Islands Harbor.
  • The Reel Guppies provides fishing activities for children.
  • A $40.00 suggested donation was requested from members of the community.
  • The $40 donation would provide 1 student the opportunity to participate in the educational experience and provide fishing gear,
  • To donate:
  • To learn more about n more about The Reel Guppies visit

Additional Moments in the meeting 

  • Chuck Carter was recognized for his extensive work with the Marine Advisory Commie and given a plaque to recognize his contributions
  • Tammy Coburn, representing The Channel Islands Rowing Club was prepared to give a presentation, unfortunately, time was running short and we were unable to accommodate time for her to give her presentation.  The Channel Islands Rowing Club will be invited back to another Community Council Meeting in the future.  For more information about the CI Rowing Club, visit

Join us in the next Channel Islands Neighborhood Council Meeting on Thursday October 26, 2023 at 6pm at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club or via Zoom.  >click here< to Join the mailing list for updates.

PRESENTATIONS (speakers slideshows)

Channel Islands Harbor Update, Michael Tripp

Ventura County Department of Airports Update, Dave Nafie

MAC Water Quality update, Chuck Carter

The Reel Guppies, Rene Aui

Thursday April 27 @ PCYC and ZOOM

On April 27 , 2023 a Community Neighborhood Council Meeting was held at the Pacific Corinthian Yacht
Club. There were 50 to 60 people plus the Board in attendance, either in person or via Zoom.


Dave Copper opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Rene Aui of HBCA

  • Provided an update on the Ormond Beach application for a Wildlife Refuge.
  • Informed the group that the ERN with the Karls Group to develop Fisherman’s Wharf was uniformly
    approved by the County Board of Supervisors.
  • Congratulated Michael Tripp, Harbor Director on creating a Development Plan for the Harbor.

Chuck Carter Clean Water Team

  • Provided an in-depth report on restoring the water quality in the Harbor Included history of the Harbor and power plant
  • A detailed report on toxins and discharges in the water and defined a number of stakeholders
  • Special mention of metals and pesticides exceeding state levels

Steve Bennett State Assembly Member and past County Supervisor

  • Stated that water is a major issue for the State
  • His focus is on ground water
  • Presented First Water Bill which triggered interest and additional bills
  • Transit in the State another major issue due to ridership decline
  • Direction from carbon to carbonless
  • Need for more charging stations and batteries to store long term power from wind and solar

Professor Geoffrey Dilly

  • Provided a comprehensive report on Marine Debris/Marine Plastics
  • California has the largest Pacific Garbage Patch
  • Ventura County is quite unique by employing coastal agriculture

Alan Glen Airport Noise and Safety

  • Detailed progress with airport flight paths
  • Discussed concern of contaminated soil being retained at the airport
  • Noted community members volunteering to allow their properties to be used for noise monitoring

Upcoming Event

  • Neighborhood Bulk Item Drop-off
    Saturday May, 20, 2023
    Oxnard Beach Park
    1601 Harbor Blvd.

PRESENTATION (Chuck Carter Clean Water Team)

Saturday May 20 Bulky Item Trash Pick Up Day

Thursday January 19, 2023 @ PCYC and ZOOM

Channel Islands Neighborhood Council (CINC)

Public Meeting,    January 19, 2023

1 Board Member, Dave Copper, opened the meeting at 6:05 PM. Board Member, Richard Elzinga lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Dave presented the agenda for the meeting and introduced the first speaker, Board Member, Chuck Carter.

Chuck provided an update on the activities of the Clean Water Team which collects and analyzes water samples. He acknowledged the members of the team. He reported that after a year off, water sampling began on December 12 and another set of samples was taken on  January 11. The team is working with the LA Regional Water Board to determine if the harbor water meets or does not meet state standards. The water sample test results are reported on the City of Oxnard’s website.

Dave introduced Board Member and Chair of the Marine Advisory Committee, Tom McInally. Tom explained that there are many regular meetings to work on harbor water quality. He reported that the city has committed to provide $1.3 million to address water quality issues and
acknowledged the leadership provided by Councilmen, Bert Perello and City Manager, Alex Nguyen. Tom acknowledge the new Harbor Water Quality task force and the collaborative efforts of the key stakeholders including the City, County and Agriculture representatives.

Lastly, Tom identified that the Committee has an on-going effort to identify and apply for grants in coordination with the City. Tom introduced Dave, Co-Chair of Technology and Communications Committee to report on the Committee activities. Dave acknowledged the Committee members including Co-Chair, George Bregante. Dave reported that Dave Colker has been enhancing the website and setting up social media. Dave explained that the committee has an on-going effort to update public officials. The Committee plans and facilitates the public meetings. Lastly, Dave explained that
the Committee supports the efforts of all of the other committees: Marine Advisory Committee, Airport Noise and Safety Committee and Harbor Safety Committee.

Dave introduced Alex Nguyen, City Manager. Alex provided and updated on the financial condition of the City, critical demographics and his approach to improve the City. His research identified that there is an affordability challenge for many to live in Oxnard. His research also identified that there is an educational gap. The number/percentage of students going on to get a four year degree is low compared to other nearby communities. He has created some programs to improve in this area. A key program is after school music for high school students.  The program includes learning to read music, plan an instrument and perform in a group. Studies have shown that this after school education and experience results in about 90% going
on for a four year degree.

PRESENTATION (Oxnard City Manager Alex Nguyen)

2 Dave introduced, Michael Tripp, Harbor Director. Michael provided an update on Harbor development including the following:

 Peninsula Revetment Project – started in December and expected completion in July
 New Hyatt House Hotel – construction scheduled to start in Summer 2023
 Whales Tale – negotiating with Jonathan Zelli
 Fisherman’s Wharf – planning on a public meeting with Karl’s Strawberry Village
 Harbor Dredging – started on October 22 and expected completion in 2023. 1.8 million CY have been dredged thus far and there are .7 million CY to go.

Michael showed pictures of recent storm damage and planned events which may potentially include 4 th of July fireworks.
Dave introduced Geoffrey Dill, Associate Professor of Marine Biology (CSUCI). Geoff provided a history of fishing and marine life as a context for presenting what is happening with aquaculture. Geoff provided many examples of overfished species. He also identified two aquacultural businesses that failed. He explained how big the fishing industry is and how aquaculture has evolved into a significant part of the industry. He indicated that NOAA has identified Southern California and specifically off of our coast as a potentially ideal location for aquaculture development.  He encouraged the public to inquire with restaurants or fish retailers where they purchase their fish in an effort to show interest in supporting sustainable fishing efforts as opposed to unregulated fishing practices.

Dave introduced Robert O’Riley, Chief of Staff for Supervisor Lopez, to facilitate the CINC Board election. Robert asked for floor nominations. There were none. Robert asked for a vote and all were in favor. The 2023 Board consists of the following members:

 George Bregante – Member at Large
 Chuck Carter – Treasurer
 Dave Copper – Chair
 Richard Elzinga – Member at Large
 Alan Glen – Member at Large
 Connie Heagy – Member at Large
 Tom McInally – Vice Chair
 Carol Taylor – Secretary

Dave adjourned the meeting at 7:50 PM.

Marine Advisory Committee Resumes Harbor Water Quality Testing

The Marine Advisory Committee stopped water quality testing at the end of 2021 due to a lack of funds for laboratory work.  Recently the city has provided funds to resume testing.

On Monday, December 12, the team collected samples from 10 locations for various testing.  In total, 100 samples were collected and shipped to two laboratories.

Thanks to the volunteers on Monday – Chuck Carter, Bonnie Carter, Tom McInally, Ron Cookson, George Bregante, Jon Schwalbach, and Bob Chatenever.

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