8-23-2018 City of Oxnard Press Release: Channel Island Harbor Water Quality

8-23-2018 City of Oxnard Press Release: Channel Island Harbor Water Quality

Sandra Burkhart, Special Districts Manager
City of Oxnard
(805) 385-7578, sandra.burkhart@oxnard.org

Melissa Valdez, Community Affairs Manager
Oxnard Police Department, City of Oxnard
(805) 342-8292, melissa.valdez@oxnardpd.org

Update: Channel Island Harbor Water Quality

OXNARD, Calif.-  The City of Oxnard Channel Islands Response Team is monitoring the dissolved oxygen concentrations (and other parameters) at multiple locations along the Channel Islands Harbor on a weekly basis. Additionally, on August 6, the City deployed an automated remote sensor in the upper canal between Westport and Seabridge (parallel to Adriatic Street), continually monitoring the water at the site of the sensor to provide 24/7 coverage.

The remote sensor has been continuously recording a variety of water quality parameters.  The data has indicated that the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water have been fluctuating daily, with a few low concentrations during the night.  Since Aug. 15, the remote sensor has detected a minor but steady decrease in the daily average concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Weekly manual sampling for dissolved oxygen throughout the Harbor by City staff has confirmed these findings.

This information indicates a very low oxygen event may be imminent, perhaps similar to the event that occurred earlier in the summer.  The ecosystem is also exhibiting substantial, although not unusually high, algal biomass in the water column and water temperatures have increased 14 degrees since the end of June. These circumstances apparently preceded the low oxygen event earlier in the year, so it has also drawn the attention of the groups monitoring the harbor.

The public can view the test results at https://arcg.is/08ifCO on a geographic information system (GIS) map. The map contains the location of all the sampling sites and the data collected at those sites. The map also has a legend under the “Test Parameter” button to indicate what a normal range should be for each of the parameters that are being tested. Staff is working quickly to upload as much information as possible. At this time, the dissolved oxygen content, salinity, water temperature, and pH is available.

The City of Oxnard is requesting your assistance to be proactive and prepared in case the Harbor experiences another event. We are asking for residents living around the Harbor to watch the water and report anything that seems unusual. We encourage residents to document the change with photos. Low oxygen levels can cause fish to die off in the water. We are looking for boaters who are willing to volunteer their time to remove dead fish from the waters, should this happen due to low oxygen levels.

If you are willing and able to assist with either of the above, please contact (805) 385-8226 and email photos to CIHarbor@oxnard.org.

The City of Oxnard is a full-service general law city incorporated in 1903. Oxnard is the largest and most populous city in the County of Ventura, serving 200,000 culturally diverse residents. Read more about the City of Oxnard at www.oxnard.org. Follow us on social media at www.twitter.com/CityofOxnard (@CityofOxnard), www.facebook.com/CityofOxnard and www.vimeo.com/cityofoxnard.

Melissa Valdez | Community Affairs Manager
Oxnard Police Department
251 S C Street
Oxnard, CA 93030

Phone:  (805) 385-7631
Cell:  (805) 342-8292

email:  melissa.valdez@oxnardpd.org
Oxnard Police Department Website:  www.oxnardpd.org
“Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows”



Press Release July 30, 2018 Oxnard Installs Aerators in Channel Islands Harbor


Click for PDF: Update Oxnard Installs Aerators in Channel Islands Harbor PDF

Spanish version below/Traducciòn al Español abajo

Carri Karuhn, Manager of Media Relations/Community Outreach

805-385-7593, carri.karuhn@oxnard.org


Update: Oxnard Installs Aerators in Channel Islands Harbor

Oxnard, California – As part of Oxnard’s ongoing response to the recent water issues at the Channel Islands Harbor, six aerators were installed on the ocean floor at the northeast corner of the Seabridge Public Marina on July 26.

The aerators will be continuously releasing compressed air into the area. From the shore, bubbles can be seen on the surface of the water in the location where the aerators have been placed, but there is no impact to the public and it is completely safe to swim and drive a boat over the water.

In other areas nationwide, aerators have been successfully used to improve circulation and increase dissolved oxygen levels; they were installed in Seabridge as part of a pilot program to better understand the impact aerators will have in those back basin areas where dissolved oxygen levels have been the lowest.

The city is continuing to regularly sample the Harbor and dissolved oxygen levels have continued to improve. The city also collected bacteria samples again on July 23 and those results confirmed the water is not hazardous to human health.

Residents are encouraged to report any odor or discoloration in the Harbor waters by calling 805-797-7958.

PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 30 de junio del 2018


Carri Karuhn, Manager of Media Relations/Community Outreach

805-385-7593, carri.karuhn@oxnard.org

Actualización: Oxnard instala Aireadores en el Puerto de Channel Islands

Oxnard, California – Como parte de la respuesta continua de Oxnard a los recientes problemas de agua en el puerto de Channel Islands, se instalaron seis aeradores en el suelo oceánico en la esquina noreste del puerto deportivo público de Seabridge el 26 de julio.

Los aeradores lanzarán continuamente aire comprimido en el área. Desde la orilla, las burbujas se pueden ver en la superficie del agua en el lugar donde se han colocado los aeradores, pero no hay impacto al público y es completamente seguro nadar y conducir un barco sobre el agua.

En otras áreas en todo el país, los aeradores se han utilizado con éxito para mejorar la circulación y para aumentar niveles disueltos del oxígeno; fueron instalados en Seabridge como parte de un programa piloto para entender mejor el impacto que los aeradores tendrán en esas áreas de la cuenca trasera donde los niveles de oxígeno disuelto han sido los más bajos.

La ciudad continúa muestreando regularmente el puerto y los niveles de oxígeno disuelto han continuado mejorando. La ciudad también recogió las muestras de bacterias el 23 de julio y esos resultados confirmaron que el agua no es peligrosa para la salud humana.

Se recomienda a los residentes que reporten cualquier olor o decoloración en las aguas del puerto llamando al 805-797-7958.

Harbor Task Force Meeting July 11 2018

Harbor Task Force Meeting July 11 2018

Scroll down for video

Harbor Task Force Meeting 7-11-2018

The Oxnard Channel Islands Harbor Task Force committee held a special meeting on July 11, 2018. The purpose of the meeting was to receive presentations on:
     1. The water quality problem, the response, water quality data collected, potential causes and next steps on the Channel Islands Harbor water quality change by Scott C. Johnson – Senior Scientist/Laboratory Director, Aquatic Bioassey and Consulting Laboratory Inc. M. S. Marine Biology, CSU Long Beach and Dr. David A. Caron – Professor of the Department of Biological Sciences, USC, Chief Science Officer of Aquatic EcoTechnologies Inc. Ph.D in Biological Oceanography conferred jointly by the Massachussetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanography Institute.

   2. The shutdown of the Mandalay Power Generating Station re-circulation pumps. As of March 29, 2018 in response to the California State Water Resources Control Board adopted Once Through Cooling Policy on May 4, 2010. The Mandalay Power Generating Station compliance date is December 31, 2020. The shutdown may be a contributing event on the change of water quality at the Channel Islands Harbor. Thien Ng – Assistant Oxnard Public Works Director.

    3. Discuss the two harbor area relevant measures that qualified for the November 6, 2018 election ballot,
a. Seabridge Community LMD assessment reduction. About 27%
b. Harbor Patrol assessment reduction. About 80%.
Ken Rozel – Assistant City Attorney.

Several residents from the harbor area communities spoke at public comment.

Harbor Task Force Meeting – 6PM July 11, 2018

A report from the City on the Harbor Water Quality and all key harbor development items that impact the quality of life on our Channel Islands Harbor. Mayor Tim Flynn and council member Bert Perello lead the Harbor Task Force.

State waterboard Policies and NRG historical data:

Representatives of a team of biologists hired by Oxnard to analyze the water samples taken since discoloration and an odor were first noticed at Channel Islands Harbor a month ago gave a presentation.

Dr. David A. Caron from Aquatic Eco Technologies and Mr. Scott C. Johnson is a a Senior Scientist/Laboratory Director, Aquatic Bioassay & Consulting Laboratories, Inc.

Next Steps

  • Finalize analysis of data collected on July 6th
  • Reduce frequency of City WQ sampling to 2x’s per week
  • Two sampling events remaining on contract:
    • Await potential next event to sample at peak of bloom
  • Install aerators in back basins
  • Establish a Monitoring & Action Plan
    • Install remote sensor(s) to continuously monitor dissolved oxygen, pH and chlorophyll
    • Prepare action plan to mitigate water quality problems

Mandalay Generating Station

  • RWQCB will hold a public hearing for the Mandalay Generating Station permit termination on September 13, 2018 (9:00 a.m.) at the Ventura County Government Center
  • Public comments related to the permit termination will end on August 10, 2018 (5:00 p.m.)
  • Mandalay Generating Station (NPDES No. CA0001180, CI No. 2093), Cassandra D. Owens, Chief Industrial Permitting Unit, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, 320 West 4thStreet, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013





Regional Water Quality Control Board
Deadline August 10th

CLICK HERE Templates and Information

July 5, 2018 Special Meeting – 9:00 AM

Posted on 7/4/2018 see most current info: https://www.oxnard.org/city-council-meetings/
7/4/2018 PDF: 07-05-2018_Agenda_CC_special_mtg

Written materials relating to an item on this agenda that are distributed to the
legislative bodies within 72 hours before the item is to be considered at its
regularly scheduled meeting will be made available for public inspection at the
Library, 251 South “A” Street and the City Clerk’s Office, 300 West Third
Street 4th Floor during customary business hours. Any materials to be presented
at this meeting will be made available electronically 24 hours prior to the
meeting, at the end of this agenda. The agenda reports are on the City of Oxnard
web site at www.oxnard.org.

Council Chambers, 305 West Third Street
July 5, 2018
Special Meeting – 9:00 AM


Pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States.

A person may address the legislative body only on matters appearing on the report item. The presiding officer shall permit a person to address the legislative body after the staff presentation on the report and before the consideration of the report by the legislative body.

Public Works Department
1. SUBJECT: Fifth Amendment to Agreement No. 7620, Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting Laboratories, Inc. (10/10/10)
RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council:

  1. Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Fifth Amendment to Agreement No. 7620 with Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting Laboratory, Inc. in the amount of $72,650 for monitoring services in Channel Islands Harbor.
  2. Approve a budget appropriation from General Fund reserves in the amount of $72,650 to fund the Fifth Amendment to Agreement No. 7620.
    Legislative Body: CC Contact: Rosemarie Gaglione Phone: 385-8055


In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in a meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 1-805-385-7803.
City of Oxnard internet address: www.oxnard.org.

Channel Islands Harbor Water Quality Is Safe and Improving – July 3 2018


Main City Contact:  Rosemarie Gaglione, Public Works Director, rosemarie.gaglione@oxnard.org,


Alternate City Contact:  Sujin Beck, Project Manager, sujin.beck@oxnard.org, 1-805-200-5293

PDF: Oxnard_Channel_Islands_Harbor_Water_Quality_Improving-7-3-2018

Channel Islands Harbor Water Quality Is Safe and Improving

Oxnard, California.  Dissolved oxygen levels are improving daily according to the data collected by the City. There are twenty-six sampling locations that are being tested on a daily basis, and of the twenty-six test sites, four sites have low dissolved oxygen levels. These areas are concentrated in the Seabridge Public Marina, Westport, and northern section of Mandalay Bay.

The public can view the test results at https://arcg.is/08ifCO on a geographic information system (GIS) map. The map contains the location of all the sampling sites and the data collected at those sites. The map also has a legend under the “Test Parameter” button to indicate what a normal range should be for each of the parameters that are being tested. Staff is working quickly to upload as much information as possible. At this time, the dissolved oxygen content, salinity, water temperature, and pH is available. The bacteria information will be up by Thursday, July 5, 2018.

Along with the GIS map, the City is also releasing a Frequently Asked Questions document to address the most pressing questions being asked by the public.

The City Council will hold a Special City Council Meeting on Thursday, July 5, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. to award an agreement to Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting Laboratory, Inc. in the amount of $72,650 for water quality sampling and analysis services.  A verbal update report on the city’s work to date will also be provided to the City Council.

Residents are encouraged to report any odor or discoloration in the Harbor waters by calling 1-805-797-7598 or emailing Sujin Beck at sujin.beck@oxnard.org.



Follow us on social media at www.twitter.com/CityofOxnard (@CityofOxnard), www.facebook.com/CityofOxnard and www.vimeo.com/cityofoxnard.



Jesús Nava, Interim City Manager, jesus.nava@oxnard.org


City of Oxnard, CA Channel Island Harbor Water Quality Frequently Asked Questions July 3, 2018

  1. Is it safe to go in the water?

Yes, water testing was completed by the City of Oxnard and test results confirmed the water in the Channel Islands Harbor is not hazardous to human health.

  1. Why is the water brown?

The water itself is clear. When you look into the water, what you are seeing is brown algae, giving the appearance of brown water. A Marine Biologist is being hired by the City to review the test results and conduct additional testing and analysis to determine the root cause.

    1. How are the oxygen levels? When will test results be released to the public? How often is testing being done?

Please refer to the interactive maps which include daily logs by test location. Daily monitoring Monday thru Friday is occurring and measurements are being taken near the top and the bottom of the water’s surface.

      1. Is there a pump in Seabridge that was installed as a backup plan if the power plant closed? Is it running and if not, why?

The pumping vault infrastructure is set up to house an aeration system at two locations within the Seabridge CFD. There is no pump currently installed in the vaults.

      1. There has been a video circulating in which dead fish are shown. Where is this at? What is the City doing to rectify the situation?

This video was taken at the Seabridge public marina. The City has formed a task force and is adding a Marine Biologist to the team to assist in testing and analysis. Additionally, aerators are being purchased to conduct a pilot study within the Seabridge public marina to determine if aeration will improve this oxygen deficient area. However, the City will continue to perform detailed water sampling.

      1. How often did the NRG pumps operate previously?

The City has made a public records act request to obtain the facts as there is a great deal of conflicting information.

      1. Why can’t the City turn the pumps back on at the NRG plant until a resolution is reached?

NRG ceased operations and discharges to surface waters on March 29, 2018. On June 5, 2018 NRG requested the Regional Water Board discontinue coverage under the NPDES permit program because the facility operations and discharges of wastewater to surface waters have ceased. There is a public hearing on September 13, 2018 with the Regional Water Board in Ventura to consider the tentative order which will terminate the requirements in the NPDES permit. For more information or to submit a comment letter, please click here. (NOTE: the time for comments expired September 13, 2018 )


      1. What is the County’s role?

The County owns and operates the Channel Islands Harbor, which jurisdiction ends at the Harbor Blvd. bridges over the channels. Mandalay Bay, Seabridge, Westport, Harbour Island, the NRG plant and all land north of the bridges is within the jurisdiction of the City of Oxnard. In speaking with the County, they moved up their quarterly testing schedule. They tested in three locations: the west channel, the east channel and the main turning basin. All locations tested well below acceptable limits for bacteria and heavy metals. Dissolved oxygen levels were above the acceptable threshold, although a bit lower than usual in the west channel.

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